



如若您有不满意之处,请指出(4)Accounting principle request. One is at present includes the human resources investment works as the time expense, violated the power and responsibility to he the principle. Two is the human resources investment diursement profits the time not to be easy to distinguish, it profits the degree is measures with difficulty. Three is the human resources investment diursement expense, inevitably causes various issue of profit and loss to report not really, causes the policy- fault. Therefore, from follows accountant the principle the angle to say, implementation human resources accountant also very much has the necessity .,我一定改正!

祝您学业进步瞬态分析时TRNOPT选择为FULL的时候不光可以用NEWMARK法,还可以用HHT法 (一种对NEWMARK法进行过改进的算法,是SAP2000中瞬态分析的主要方法)。!






英语语言 文学 050201







101 701 是一样的 801方向不同 参考书目、试题不同


基础英语 1. 英语专业八级考试词汇表2. 类似托福考试难度的语法题3. 类似GRE试题的阅读理解部分

英语语言文学 作文和翻译


英语翻译理论与实践 1. A Textbook of Translation Peter Newmark著. 上海外语教育出版社,20012. 西方翻译简史 谭载喜著(增订版),:商务印书馆,2004 3. 译学理论史稿 陈福康著 上海:上海外语教育出版社,2000

英美文学 1. 《美国文学简史》常耀信著 2003 南开大学出版社 2. 《美国文学选读》(上)常耀信著南开大学出版社 3. 《二十世纪美国文学选读》陶洁 2006 大学出版社4 .《英国文学简史》常耀信著 2005 南开大学出版社5. 《 英国文学名篇选注 》 王佐良等主编 1983 商务印书馆

英语教育 1. 《 Principles of Language Learning and Teaching》H.D.Brown (《语言学习与语言教学的原则》)外语教学与研究出版社第三版

美国与文化 1. 《英美文化基础教程》 外语教学与研究出版社 朱永涛不限版本

英语语言学 1. 《语言学教程》胡壮麟著 修订版 . 大学出版社 2006

B 二外(1. 日语:《标准日本语》(初级上 / 下册、中级上册)教育出版社 2.德语:《新编大学德语》(1 - 2 册)朱建华主编 外语教学与研究出版社 3.法语:《新大学法语》(1 - 3 册)李志清主编 高等教育出版社 4.俄语:《东方俄语教程》(1 -4 册)丁树杞 外语教学与研究出版社 5.英语:《新具体考试应看编大学英语》 (1 - 4 册)浙江大学 应惠兰主编 外研社 6.西班牙语:《西班牙语》(1 - 2 册) 外国语大学 董燕生编 外研社)

C 701参考书目


有波浪线常见的情况有下面几种:一是你定义的变量可能没有在程序中用到,这个你把鼠标移到上面自然有英文显示,这种错英语翻译The so-called human resources accountant , mean that carries on measuring and a kind of accounting procedure and mod of the report to human resources cost and value organized. It accounting one new field of discipline dlopment, it is human resources mament with accounting that permeate new accounting theory that form each other.理论与实践误没事,不影响程序的运行,只是感觉程序累赘罢了



1, our country sets up the human resources accountant's necessity

(1)Macroeconomic regulation and control need. The market economy unceasing consummation, enable the human resources to he more economical characteristics, the request confirms the human resources Cheng Muhe the value. Through the human resources accounting report, the country may grasp various enterprises human resources dlopment maintenance present situation, thus adopts the corresponding macroeconomic regulation and control mod, the promotion human resources balance between supply and demand, the definite human resources dlopment strength to, the guidance human resources reasonably flows, in on macroscopic optimizes the human resources the disition .

(2)The enterprise enhances the economic efficiency the need. Under market economy condition, enterprise in order to obtain the talented person, unceasingly enlarges to the human resources investment, including improves the treatment, the improvement interpersonal relationship, provides the superior working condition, the on-the-job training and so on. But invests benefit how, this is enterprise superintendent issue of concern, this requests on accountant carries on the calculation to the human resources income and the cost, inspects its economic efficiency .

(3)Financial rmation user's demand. The knowledge economy time arrival, causes the human resources the factor to ma the success or failure to the enterprise the influence more and more in a big way, the investor more and more is also big to the human resources rmation demand, this is the most basic agent which human resources accountant can exist and dlop .

2.Human resources accountant in our country establishment condition

(1)Human resources legal . Human resources has which to the enterprise, wants the usage law laws and regulations to perform to confirm, also should he the corresponding legal standard to its exchange, guarantees the enterprise to hire staff's labor force property rights, to break a contract to the midway lees job staff's punishment power, guarantees the enterprise human resources the relative stability .

(2)Vigorously dlops the consummation human resources market. On the one hand, a perfect human resources city field energy provides the reasonable talented person market pr, provides the basis for the accounting; On the other hand, a perfect human resources market existence, causes the person to be able to flow from the mountain, the enterprise may freely gain its needs the talented person. Only then, the society only then sibly produced to the human resources rmation true realistic demand, human resources accountant also only then had its existence social basis. At present, our country talented person market, the serv market although had the certain dlopment, but very was still imperfect, but the entrepreneur market nearly did not exist, established and the consummation human resources market was as soon as sible works as serv .

(3)Does the experiment site work. The experiment site may choose the school, the hospital, the accounting firm, the law off, the scientific research unit, the high tech type enterprise and so on the human resources crowded unit, the accumulation experience, both impetus theory dlopment, and the manner strength resources accountant's comprehensive implementation has made the preparation.

(1)Need of macro adjustments and controls. The constant completion of the market economic , make the human resources he more economic characteristics , demand to confirm Cheng Mu and value of the human resources . Through the accounting report of human resources, the country can grasp the manpower resources dlopment of ry enterprise and safeguard the current situation , thus adopt the corresponding means of macro adjustments and controls, it is balanced to promote the supply and demand of the human resources, it confirm manpower resources dlopment strength to,lead because there aren't human resources , optimize by disition of human resources in macroscopic.

3)The financial rmation user's demand. The arrival of the era of knowledge-driven economy, make the influence on managing success or failure in enterprises of factor of the human resources older and older, investor to human resources demand of rmation more and more hey, this human resources most basic reason that accountant can store in and dlop.

4)The accountant checks and calculates the requirement for the principle. Make the investment , charge current period expenses to human resources at present , violate power and responsibility happen principle of . Second, human resources invest in benefited issue of expenditure difficult to distinguish , its benefited intensity is more difficult to measure. Third , invest the expenditure expenses the human resources , must make ry profit and loss1.Our country establishes the human resources accountant's necessity . report unureal , cause the decision fault . So in term of following accounting principle but speech, implement human resources to be accountant n very much necessary. 2, human resources accountant in terms that our country set up

2, the condition which the human resources accountant sets up in our country

( 1) Legalization of human resources . To the human resources that enterprises he, should confirm with the laws and regulations, there should be corresponding legal norm too to exchange it, guarantee enterprise to workforce ownership of worker hired , to break a contract , lee off the worker's punishment right midway, so as to ensure the relative stability of the enterprise human resources.

2)Dlop and improve the market of human resources in a more cost-effective manner. On one hand, a complete market of human resources can offer a market pr to a reasonable talent , offer basis on which the accountant checks and calculates; On the other hand, one complete human resources existence of market, make people since the mountain flows, enterprise can obtain to his necessary talent since. Only in this way, the society may produce the real current demand for human resources rmation , human resources accountant he his social base storing in either. At present, although human resources pool of our country , labour market get certain dlopment, but still not very complete, but entrepreneur's market hardly exists, it is the task of top priority to set up and improve the market of human resources as soon as sible

3)Launch the work of launching a pilot project . Can choose intensive units of human resources such as the school , hospital , accounting firm , lawyer's off , R&D institution , Hi-Tech type enterprise ,etc. in pilot project, accumulate experience , has not only promote the dlopment of theory but also made preparation for overall implementation of the human resources accountant .


101、二外、 业务一701(基础英语 + 汉语) 业务二801(英语语言文学)

泪笑D 按不同方向 只看本方向的801参考书目为您解答,





(1)Macroeconomic regulation and control need. The market economy unceasing consummation, enable the human resources to he more economical characteristics, the request confirms the human resources Cheng Muhe the value. Through the human resources accounting report, the country may grasp various enterprises human resources dlopment maintenance present situation, thus adopts the corresponding macroeconomic regulation and control mod, the promotion human resources balance between supply and demand, the definite human resources dlopment strength to, the guidance human resources reasonably flows, in on macroscopic optimizes the human resources the disition .

1, our country sets up the human resources accountant's necessity

(2)The enterprise enhances the economic efficiency the need. Under market economy condition, enterprise in order to obtain the talented person, unceasingly enlarges to the human resources investment, including improves the treatment, the improvement interpersonal relationship, provides the superior working condition, the on-the-job training and so on. But invests benefit how, this is enterprise superintendent issue of concern, this requests on accountant carries on the calculation to the human resources income and the cost, inspects its economic efficiency .

(3)Financial rmation user's demand. The knowledge economy time arrival, causes the human resources the factor to ma the success or failure to the enterprise the influence more and more in a big way, the investor more and more is also big to the human resources rmation demand, this is the most basic agent which human resources accountant can exist and dlop .

2.Human resources accountant in our country establishment condition

(1)Human resources legal . Human resources has which to the enterprise, wants the usage law laws and regulations to perform to confirm, also should he the corresponding legal standard to its exchange, guarantees the enterprise to hire staff's labor force property rights, to break a contract to the midway lees job staff's punishment power, guarantees the enterprise human resources the relative stability .

(2)Vigorously dlops the consummation human resources market. On the one hand, a perfect human resources city field energy provides the reasonable talented person market pr, provides the basis for the accounting; On the other hand, a perfect human resources market existence, causes the person to be able to flow from the mountain, the enterprise may freely gain its needs the talented person. Only then, the society only then sibly produced to the human resources rmation true realistic demand, human resources accountant also only then had its existence social basis. At present, our country talented person market, the serv market although had the certain dlopment, but very was still imperfect, but the entrepreneur market nearly did not exist, established and the consummation human resources market was as soon as sible works as serv .

(3)Does the experiment site work. The experiment site may choose the school, the hospital, the accounting firm, the law off, the scientific research unit, the high tech type enterprise and so on the human resources crowded unit, the accumulation experience, both impetus theory dlopment, and the manner strength resources accountant's comprehensive implementation has made the preparation.

(1)Need of macro adjustments and controls. The constant completion of the market economic , make the human resources he more economic characteristics , demand to confirm Cheng Mu and value of the human resources . Through the accounting report of human resources, the country can grasp the manpower resources dlopment of ry enterprise and safeguard the current situation , thus adopt the corresponding means of macro adjustments and controls, it is balanced to promote the supply and demand of the human resources, it confirm manpower resources dlopment strength to,lead because there aren't human resources , optimize by disition of human resources in macroscopic.

3)The financial rmation user's demand. The arrival of the era of knowledge-driven economy, make the influence on managing success or failure in enterprises of factor of the human resources older and older, investor to human resources demand of rmation more and more hey, this human resources most basic reason that accountant can store in and dlop.

4)The accountant checks and calculates the requirement for the principle. Make the investment , charge current period expenses to human resources at present , violate power and responsibility happen principle of . Second, human resources invest in benefited issue of expenditure difficult to distinguish , its benefited intensity is more difficult to measure. Third , invest the expenditure expenses the human resources , must make ry profit and loss report unureal , cause the decision fault . So in term of following accounting principle but speech, implement human resources to be accountant n very much necessary. 2, human resources accountant in terms that our country set up

2, the condition which the human resources accountant sets up in our country

( 1) Legalization of human resources . To the human resources that enterprises he, should confirm with the laws and regulations, there should be corresponding legal norm too to exchange it, guarantee enterprise to workforce ownership of worker hired , to break a contract , lee off the worker's punishment right midway, so as to ensure the relative stability of the enterprise human resources.

2)Dlop and improve the market of human resources in a more cost-effective manner. On one hand, a complete market of human resources can offer a market pr to a reasonable talent , offer basis on which the accountant checks and calculates; On the other hand, one complete human resources existence of market, make people since the mountain flows, enterprise can obtain to his necessary talent since. Only in this way, the society may produce the real current demand for human resources rmation , human resources accountant he his social base storing in either. At present, although human resources pool of our country , labour market get certain dlopment, but still not very complete, but entrepreneur's market hardly exists, it is the task of top priority to set up and improve the market of human resources as soon as sible

3)Launch the work of launching a pilot project . Can choose intensive units of human resources such as the school , hospital , accounting firm , lawyer's off , R&D institution , Hi-Tech type enterprise ,etc. in pilot project, accumulate experience , has not only promote the dlopment of theory but also made preparation for overall implementation of the human resources accountant .


So-called human resources accountant, is refers to organization's human resources cost and the value carries on the measurement and report kind of accountant the procedure and the mod. It is accountant a discipline dlopment new domain, is new accountant which the person source tube Neo-Coniani attending economics mutually seeps forms theory.

英语语言 文学 050201







101 701 是一样的 801方向不同 参考书目、试题不同


基础英语A 1. 英语专业八级考试词汇表2. 类似托福考试难度的语法题3. 类似GRE试题的阅读理解部分

英语语言文学 作文和翻译


英语翻译理论与实践 1. A Textbook of Translation Peter Newmark著. 上海外语教育出版社,20012. 西方翻译简史 谭载喜著(增订版),:商务印书馆,2004 3. 译学理论史稿 陈福康著 上海:上海外语教育出版社,2000

英美文学 1. 《美国文学简史》常耀信著 2003 南开大学出版社 2. 《美国文学选读》(上)常耀信著南开大学出版社 3. 《二十世纪美国文学选读》陶洁 2006 大学出版社4 .《英国文学简史》常耀信著 2005 南开大学出版社5. 《 英国文学名篇选注 》 王佐良等主编 1983 商务印书馆

英语教育 1. 《 Principles of Language Learning and Teaching》H.D.Brown (《语言学习与语言教学的原则》)外语教学与研究出版社第三版

美国与文化 1. 《英美文化基础教程》 外语教学与研究出版社 朱永涛不限版本

英语语言学 1. 《语言学教程》胡壮麟著 修订版 . 大学出版社 2006

B 二外(1. 日语:《标准日本语》(初级上 / 下册、中级上册)教育出版社 2.德语:《新编大学德语》(1 - 2 册)朱建华主编 外语教学与研究出版社 3.法语:《新大学法语》(1 - 3 册)李志清主编 高等教育出版社 4.俄语:《东方俄语教程》(1 -4 册)丁树杞 外语教学与研究出版社 5.英语:《新编大学英语》 (1 - 4 册)浙江大学 应惠兰主编 外研社 6.西班牙语:《西班牙语》(1 - 2 册) 外国语大学 董燕生编 外研社)

C 701参考书目