compete的名词 compete的名词指人
compete的名词 compete的名词指人
compete的名词 compete的名词指人
1、4.高三年级下册英语必修二知识点1pete withhe…doing①让……持续做某事②容许……做某事(多用于否定句)我们能与的队竞争。
2、My handwriting cannot compete with his我的书法不及他。
3、compete with other countries for world market与其它竞争市场2pete forThirty people had to compete for only ten openings.三十个人必须只为十个名额来竞争。
4、The candidates competed for the union's endorsement.候选者们为获得联盟的赞同而竞争 caseThe assistance of a squire is much needed in this case.这个案子很需要律师的协助。
5、In case of fire ring the bell万一起火,请按铃。
6、In this case the verB may Be understood.在这种情况下这动词可以省略。
7、 case forI want you to take an umbrella in case for raining.我希望你带一把伞以防下雨。
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