
90后爱听的歌 90后爱听的歌曲有哪些90后爱听的歌 90后爱听的歌曲有哪些

90后爱听的歌 90后爱听的歌曲有哪些

90后爱听的歌 90后爱听的歌曲有哪些

1、90后最喜欢的英文歌你听过吗?下面都是我 收藏 的90后最喜欢的英文歌,希望你们喜欢。

2、90后最喜欢的英文歌如下:1.18 and life2.all the things she said3.around the world4.better man5.brown eyes6.climbing the walls7.don't cry for me argentina8.rgreen tree9.fool again--westlife10.gortoz a ran11.i always love you12.i swear13.in the end14.kiss from a rose15.lose yourself eminem16.miss you17.my love18.one love u19.proud of you fiona fung20.sn days21.take me to you heart22.time of our lives23.wake me up when september ends24.wish you were here 其中这首歌是90后最喜欢的英文歌中的,一起来欣赏下吧:18 and life是来自美国流行金属乐队穷街(Skid Row)同名专辑的第二首单曲。

3、《18 and life》是该乐队最有名的热门单曲,在Billboard Hot 100的位次是第四位,但在主流摇滚榜上仅位居第十一位,而这个榜单之前是Skid Row影响力的地盘。

4、《18 and life》被VH1评为史上的六十首硬摇滚歌曲之一。

5、歌词Ricky was a young boy, He had a heart of stone.Lived 9 to 5 and worked his fingers to the bone.Just barely got out of school, came from the edge of town.Fought like a switchblade so no one could take him down.He had no money, oooh no good at home.He walked the streets a soldier and he fought the world aloneAnd now it’s18 and life You got it18 and life you knowYour crime is time and it’s18 and life to go18 and life You got it18 and life you knowYour crime is time and it’s18 and life to goTequila in his heartbeat, His veins burned gasoline.It kept his motor running but it nr kept him clean.They say he loved aenture;Ricky’s the wild one;He married trouble and had a courtship with a gun.Bang Bang Shoot ’em up, The party nr ends.You can’t think of dying when the bottle’s your best friendAnd now it’s18 and life You got it18 and life you knowYour crime is time and it’s18 and life to go18 and life You got it18 and life you knowYour crime is time and it’s18 and life to goAccidents will happen; they all heard Ricky sayHe fired his six-shot to the wind that child blew a child away.18 and life you got it18 and life you knowYour crime is time and it’s18 and life to go18 and life You got it18 and life you knowYour crime is time and it’s18 and life to go~歌词翻译编辑十八岁和人生瑞奇是个年轻的孩子他像石头般坚强过着朝九晚五的生活工作十分卖力刚刚走出校门他来自小镇的偏远地区像把摺叠刀一样的战斗没有人能打败他他身无分文,家徒四壁走在街上像个战士,独自和世界奋战那是因为........拥有十八岁和人生青春时光是你犯的罪你有十八岁和人生要过他的心跳里有龙舌兰酒血管中流动着汽油那使他的机车不断奔驰却始终不能让他保持清醒人们说他酷爱冒险"瑞奇天生是个野东西!"他和麻烦结了婚曾经带枪追求过一段时间砰!砰!开枪吧!筵席结束你不会去想到亡当酒瓶是你的朋友那是因为........"意外总是在所难免"人们都听过瑞奇这么说他朝着风中开了六枪轰掉了一个孩子的生命。
