Lantern's day(元宵节)
Valentine's day(情人节)
Women's day(妇女节)
Tree-planting day(植树节)
Independence day(日)
Labour day(劳动节)
Dragon boat festival(龙舟节)
Army day(建军节)
Thanksgiving day(感恩节)
Teacher's day(教师节)
National day(国庆节)
Mid-Autumn day(中秋节)
元月:new year day
二月: spring festival
三月:easter day
四月:fool day
六月:children's day
1月1日元旦(New Year's Day)
1.1月1日 On January 1st 2.正月初一 In the first month 3.正月十五 The 15th 4.3月8日 On March 8 5.3月12日 On March 12 6.3月23 On March 23 7.4月4日 On April 4 8.7月22日 On July 22 9.4月22日 On April 22nd 10.5月1日 On May 1st 11.5月4日 On May 4 12.5月12 On May 12 13.5月17日 On May 17 14.6月1日 On June 1st 15.6月5日 On June 5 16.五月初五May 5 17.7月1日 On July 1 18.8月1日 On August 1st 19.9月10日 On September 10th 20.八月十五August 15
元旦New Year’ s Day Jan.1 劳动妇女节International Working women’ s Day (Women’s Day) Mar.8 建军节 Army Day August .1 教师节Teachers’ Day Sept.1 国庆节National Day October.1 春节the Spring Festival (New Year’s Day of the Chinese lunar calendar) 农历正月初一 元宵节 (灯节)the Lantern Festival 农历正月十五 清明节the Qingming Festival四月五日前后 端午节the Dragon-Boat Festival农历五月初五 中秋节the Mid-Autumn Festival (the Moon Festival)农历八月十五 重阳节the Double-Ninth Day农历九月初九 情人节 the Double-Snth Day农历七月初七
楼上两位是正解 他如果想知道更多 去节日风俗网 自己查吧
答:元旦(1月1日):NewYear's Day
春节(农历元月初一):the Spring Festival
元宵节(农历一月十五日):the Lantern Festival
劳动妇女节(3月8日):International Working Women's Day
植树节(3月12日):Tree-Planting Day
邮政节(3月20日):Postal Day
世界气象节(3月23日):World Meteorology Day
清明节(4月5日):Tomb-sweeping Festival
劳动节(5月1日):International Labour Day
青年节(5月4日):Chinese Youth Day
护士节(5月12日): Nurses' Festival
世界无烟日(5月31日) :World No-Smoking Day)
端午节(农历五月初五):theDragon Boat Festival
儿童节(6月1日):International Children's Day
儿童节(6月1日):International Children's Day
世界环境日(6月5日):International Environment Day
奥林匹克日(6月23日):International Olympic Day.
New Year's Day, January 1 of the Gregorian calendar, is commonly known as the "New Year" in most countries of the world. Yuan is called "beginning", the beginning of all numbers is called "yuan"; Dan is called "day"; New Year's Day means "initial day". New Year's Day is also known as the "three yuan", that is, the year of the year, the month, the time of the yuan.
New year's day in January 1st.
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