



数据处理人员:data processor

数据库建设者:data-base builder

系统开发人员: dloper


ADP(Automatic Data Processing, Inc) 成立于1949年,是世界的服务提供商之一,年收入110亿美金,在全球拥有约57,000名员工,600,000家客户,致力于提供优质、核心、高效益的交易处理服务和信息化商务解决方案。 采纳吧




cobol 英文资料


英文缩写: COBOL (Common business Oriented Language)

中文译名: COBOL语言

解 释: 一种适合于商业及数据处理的类似英语的程序设计语言。这种语言可使商业数据处理过程表达。

COBOL(面向商业的通用语言,又称为企业管理语言、数据处理语言等,Common Business Oriented Langauge)是最早的高级编程语言之一,是世界上个商用语言。

翻译:English abbreviation: COBOL (Common business Oriented Language)

English translation: COBOL Language

Explanation: a suitable commercial and data processing procedures similar to the English language. This language allows precise expression of commercial data processing.

COBOL (Common Business Oriented Language, also known as enterprise mament language, data processing and language, Common Business Oriented Langauge) is the first high-ll programming language is one of the world's first commercial language. ..


1959年5月,五角大楼委托格雷斯·霍波(G.Hopper)博士一个委员会并由Rear Adal Grace Hopper公司主持开发,并于1961年由美国数据系统语言协会公布。正式发布于1960年4月,称为Cobol-60。

1968年美国标准委员会ANSI又通过了新的标准ANSI COBOL X.3.23-1968。

1972年标准化组织ISO将其作为ISO COBOL-72。1974年ANSI对COBOL-68作出了修订扩充,形成了ANSI COBOL X3.23-1974,随后1978年ISO采用其形成ISO COBOL-78,后来又提出了ANSI X3.23-85,增加了很多结构化程序设计的内容,ISO标准ISO1989:1985也采用了该标准。COBOL标准还在不断地改进和完善,最新的标准COBOL 2002主体已经于2002年12月出版,其他部分还在不断地完善之中。现在最新的版本是Cobol-2002。


翻译:The history of COBOL

In May 1959, the Pentagon commissioned格雷斯霍波(G. Hopper) by a committee led by Dr. Rear Adal Grace Hopper led the dlopment of the company, and in 1961 by the American Association of Data Systems Languages. Officially released in April 1960, known as the Cobol-60.

1968, American National Standards Institute ANSI has adopted a new standard ANSI COBOL X.3.23-1968.

1972 International Organization for Standardization ISO as ISO COBOL-72. 1974 Nian ANSI pairs of COBOL-68 was amended in expanded form ANSI COBOL X3.23-1974, following its formation in 1978, ISO using ISO COBOL-78, and later proed ANSI X3.23-85, increased the number of structured programming content, ISO standard ISO1989: 1985 also adopted the standard. COBOL standards are continuing to improve and perfect the latest standard COBOL 2002 subjects he been published in December 2002, other parts are still being constantly improved. Now, its latest version of Cobol-2002.

In 1963, the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) has standardized, but the ANSI standard are rarely followed; so, COBOL programs only partially portable.





翻译:The importance of COBOL After 40 years of constant change, rich sound and standardization, COBOL has evolved into multiple versions of a large language, accounting, statistical reporting, planning, rmation retrieval, personnel mament, data mament and business data processing , all he a wide range of applications. The importance of COBOL can use these words to describe: The World's 70% of the data is to use COBOL language processing, and 90% of ATM transactions are used in COBOL language. COBOL matters dealt with ry day online 300 million times. 500 There are 492 (including all of the 100) uses the COBOL language COBOL investments currently has more than three trillion U.S. dollars, allegedly written in COBOL programs with more than one dred billion rows, and about 50 per year 100 million lines of code at the rate of growth. Since COBOL strong foundation in the commercial sphere, and COBOL is mainly used in banking, finance and accounting industries are very important business data processing. Therefore, n for considerable experience in IT companies, rewriting COBOL language, the application of reliable software is not practical or not feasible from a business point of view, but also spend a very long time, as long as there is mainframe , COBOL will not disappear, n for the comr industry a tremendous impact on the "millennium bug" (Y2K) did not change the fate of COBOL.








翻译:The characteristics of COBOL

COBOL is a data-oriented processing, file-oriented, process-oriented (POL) high-ll programming language, is a feature very strong but extremely lengthy language.

COBOL for the processing cycle with the cycle of the environment (for example, print pay checks) as well as a large amount of data manipulation environment. COBOL is mainly used in commercial data processing, for various types of data collection, storage, tranission, classification, sorting, calculation and printing reports, the output image is its strength.

COBOL grammar and English is very close, n if people do not understand the comr program can read.

Powerful document processing capabilities, large amounts of data are usually in the form of files stored on disk.

Provided only add, subtract, multiply, divide, and involution of these five arithmetic operations, and thus not suitable for scientific computing.

COBOL will support the future of XML and other Web era of new technologies.




“PROGRAM-ID”(程序识别ID)、“AUTHOR”(作者名)、“DATE-WRITTEN”(编写日期),这些并直接不影响程序的执行,而是程序的注释 信息。程序注释可以采用任何语言书写,COBOL编译器可以接受。




用于定义和声明程序所要使用的变量及其他数据。程序要使用的全部变量和数据必须在这里定义。“DATA DIVISION.”部主要包含“FILE SECTION.”和“WORKING-STORAGE SECTION.”节。

如果程序要通过参数接收数据,那么使用“LINKAGE SECTION”来声明。












用于容纳程序的实际处理代码。需要传入参数时,采用“PROCEDURE DIVISION USING 引数名[,参数名...]”的方式。

因为前3个DIVISION都是注释,却又必须,只到第4个DIVISION“PROCEDURE DIVISION”才真正涉及程序代码,这样的繁琐规定使得COBOL被批评为开场白像老太太裹脚布。但是,基于这样的4个DIVISION的明确记述等的严格形式,COBOL也被公认是可读性强的语言。另外,COBOL的保留字数量庞大,字数过长的保留字太多是COBOL的特征之一。

目前Cobol 就业市场包含以下两种类型:

,在旧的 Cobol 代码和新程序之间充当桥梁,这种工作要求人们懂 Cobol,懂那些老 Cobol 程序员所依赖的商业逻辑,同时动新的编程语言,如 Ja。

第二是维护旧的 Cobol 代码,并编写新的 Cobol 代码。

翻译:COBOL program structure of COBOL programs from the four (DIVISION) comed of: IDENTIFICATION DIVISION. (ID Department), ENVIRONMENT DIVISION. (Ministry of the Environment), DATA DIVISION. (Data Division), PROCEDURE DIVISION. (The process of Department), and each department also by a number of sections (SECTION) component. IDENTIFICATION DIVISION. "PROGRAM-ID" (identification process ID), "AUTHOR" (author name), "DATE-WRITTEN" (write the date), which do not directly affect the program execution, but the program notes the rmation. Program notes written in any language can be used, COBOL compiler is acceptable. ENVIRONMENT DIVISION. Recorded program can be used to run comr environment. "ENVIRONMENT DIVISION." Department, including "CONFIGURATION SECTION" Environment Day and "INPUT-OUTPUT SECTION" input-output section. DATA DIVISION. Definitions and declarations for procedures to be used for variables and other data. Program to use all the variables and data must be defined here. "DATA DIVISION." Department consists mainly of "FILE SECTION." And "WORKING-STORAGE SECTION." Festival. If the program is to pass parameters to receive data, then use the "LINKAGE SECTION" to the statement. COBOL data types of COBOL program data, mainly in the following three kinds: variables (Variables) Constants (Literals) ideographic constant (FigurativeConstants) variables and constant self-Needless to say, talk about the ideographic constant. Use of a specific meaning of a constant synthesis of a number of phrases synonymous. The aantage of facilitating coders identified. For example: HIGH-VALUES, LOW-VALUES, etc. can express a certain meaning of the name as synonymous with a constant. COBOL variable type of the basic variable types of COBOL, the following three ways: numeric (Numeric) English character (AlphaNumeric) English string (Alphabetic) PROCEDURE DIVISION is used to accommodate the actual processing procedure code. Need to pass parameters using "PROCEDURE DIVISION USING argument name [, parameter names ...]" way. Because the former are three DIVISION notes, but must be only to the first 4 DIVISION "PROCEDURE DIVISION" really involved in the program code, such as red tape makes COBOL has been criticized for his opening remarks, like the old lady bindings. Howr, based on these four DIVISION such a clear account of the strict form, COBOL has also been recognized as readable language. In addition, COBOL reserved words large number of long words is a COBOL reserved word too much one of the characteristics. Cobol job market at present contains the following two types: first, in the old Cobol code and to act as a bridge between the new procedures, this kind of work requires people to understand Cobol, understand those old Cobol programmers rely on business logic, while moving the new programming languages such as Ja. The second is to maintain the old Cobol code, and the preparation of new Cobol code.


access arm 磁头臂,存取臂

access time 存取时间

adder 加法器

address 地址

alphanumeric 字母数字的

og comr 模拟计算机

yst 分析员

area 区域

array 数组,阵列

assembler 汇编程序

automation 自动化

band 区

batch processing 成批处理

binary code 二进制码

binary digit 二进制位,二进制数字

bit 比特,二进制的一位

branch 分支,支线

brush 电刷

buffer storage 缓冲存储器

calculator 计算器

call instruction 呼叫指令

card punch 卡片穿孔机

card reader 卡片阅读机,读卡机

cell 单元

channel 通道,信道

character 字符

check digit 校验数位

circuit 电路,线路

to clear 清除,清零

clock 时钟

code 代码

to code 编码

coder 编码员,编码器

command 指令,命令

compiler 编译程序

comr language 计算机语言

console 控制台

control unit 控制部件,

core storage, core store 磁心存储器

counter 计数器

cybernetics 控制论

cycle 循环

data 数据

data processing 数据处理

debugging 调试

decision 制定

digit 数字,数位,位

digital comr 数字计算机

disc, disk 磁盘

display unit 显示装置

drum 磁鼓

to edit 编辑

electronics 电子学


to encode 编码

to erase 擦除,清洗,抹除

feed 馈送,供给

to feed 馈送,供给

feedback 反馈

field 字段,信息组,域

file 文件

floppy disk 软磁盘

floppy disk drive 软磁盘机

flow chart 流程图

frame 帧

hardware 硬件

identifier 标识符

index 索引

rmation 信息

inline processing 内处理

input 输入

inquiry 询问

instruction 指令

integrated circuit 集成电路

to interpret 解释


jump 转移

key 键,关键码

keyboard 键盘

latency time 等待时间

library 库,程序库

linkage 连接

to load 装入,寄存,写入,加载

location 存储单元

logger 登记器,记录器

loop 循环

machine language 机器语言

magnetic storage 磁存储器

magnetic tape 磁带

matrix 矩阵

memory 存储器

message 信息,报文

microcomr 计算机

module 组件,模块

monitor 监视器,监督程序,管程

nanosecond 毫微秒

network 网络,网

numeric, numerical 数字的,数值的

octet 八位位组,八位字节

operator 作员

optical character reader 光符阅读机

optical scanner 光扫描器

output 输出

overflow 溢出,上溢

panel 平板

parameter 参数,参量

perforator 穿孔机

peripheral equipment 外围设备,外部设备

personal comr 个人计算机

printed circuit 印制电路

printer 打印机

printout 打印输出

to process 处理

processing unit 处理部件

program 程序

to program 程序编制

programmer 程序设计员

programming 程序设计,程序编制

pulse 脉冲

punch 穿孔

to punch 穿孔

punched card, punch card 穿孔卡片

punched tape, punch tape 穿孔纸带

punch hole 孔,穿孔

random access 随机存取

to read 读

reader 阅读程序

reading 阅读

real time 实时

record, register 记录

redundancy 冗余

routine 例行程序

selector 选择器,选择符

sentinel 标记

sequence 序列,顺序

sequential 顺序的

serial 串行的.连续的

shift 移位,移数

signal 信号

simulation 模拟

simulator 模拟器,模拟程序

software 软件,软设备

sort 分类,排序

sorter 分类人员,分类机,分类程序,排序程序

storage 存储器

to store 存储

subroutine, subprogram 子程序

switch 开关

symbol 符号

symbolic language 符号语言


tabulator 制表机

eprinter 电传打字机

terminal 终端

terminal unit 终端设备

timer 时钟,精密计时器

time sharing 分时

timing 定时

track 磁道

transducer 传感器,翻译机

translator 翻译程序,翻译器

to update 更新

Winchester disk drive 磁盘机,硬盘机

working storage 工作存储器

make love