tik tok 歌词 tiktok歌词大意
大家好,今日小然来为大家解答以上的问题。tik tok 歌词,tiktok歌词大意很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!
tik tok 歌词 tiktok歌词大意
tik tok 歌词 tiktok歌词大意
1、原唱:ke$ha·歌词:Wake up in the morning feeling like P Diddy,(Hey what up girl )。
2、Grab up my glasses I'm out the door I'm gonna hit this city,(Let's go)。
3、Before I lee brush my te with a bottle of Jack,'Cause when I lee for the night I ain't coming back。
4、I'm talking pedicure on our toes toes,Trying on all our clothes clothesBoys blowing up our phones phones,Drop-topping playing our forite CDs。
5、Pulling up to the parties,Trying to get a little bit tipsy。
6、Don't stop make it pop,DJ blow my speakers up,Tonight I'mma fight,'Til we see the sunlight,Tick tock on the clock,But the party don't stop no,(Nu-uh-uh-uh)。
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