NotmuchisknownabouttheearliestLondonBridgealthoughit'slocationisthoughttobenearthepresentone.ThesecondbridgeawoodenoneexistinginSaxontimesseemstohegivenrisetothenurseryrhyme'LondonBridgeisfallingdown'whichitdidin1014.In1176thefirststonebridgewasconstructed.Housessprunguponbothsidesofthebridgeandstooduntilitwaspulleddownin1831,wayforamoreelegant,classicstructure.Thiridgewasreplacedin1967asitcouldnolongercopewiththeamountoftraffic.ThepresentLondonBridgeiore100feetwide. TheLondonBridgeprecedingthecurrentonewaoughtbytheMcCullochOilCorporationofCalifornia,whichreconstructeditatLakeHasuCity,inacornerofAmerica'sArizonaDesert.RumourhasitthatMcCulloch'sthoughttheywerebuyingthemuchmorespectacularTowerBridge. TheConstructionofTowerBridgebeganin1885anditwasopened9yrslaterbyEdwardVIIthenPrinceofWales,Amidstpompandceremony.ItistheonlybridgeinLondonthatcanberaisedtoallowshipstopass.SinceThamesisnolongerusedmuchasatradeandshippingroute,thecomplexliftingmechaniisonlyused4or5timesaweek.TheTowerbridgeisoftetakenforLondonBridgewhichisdullincomparison. 这个行么? 虽然有点长。。楼主可以缩短点
Tower Bridge of London is the first bridge of Tower Bridge of London outsideLondon from the Thames estuary (Thames River to build the bridge 15), is a symbol of London, "London" said. The bridge was built in 1886, opened in June 30, 1894, will connect the North London South as a whole.
The London Bridge (London Bridge) is a bridge over Thames River, the London and Southwark
(Southwark) area are connected as a whole. Cannon street subway bridge is located in the east of the famous Tower Bridge of London in the West.
London Bridge is always has the different bridge in the past 2000 years. The first bridge across the Thames River bridge is a wooden bridge, by the Romans in 50 years on. The ition of the river is narrow can bypass, also deep enough, allowing ships to enter. After the Romans from Britain, the bridge gradually fell into disrepair, but in 1014 before re built or repaired. In 1014, Britain's King Ethelred against the invading Danes Svein Haraldsson ordered the burning of the bridge. This destruction might well be described well-known nursery rhyme "London Bridge is falling down" in the story. London Bridge
Thames River in London on a after the reconstruction of the bridge, the river 28 bridge is one of the most downstream bridge.
Located near Tower of London, connected with the High Street South Walker municipality and city of London's King William street. In history, known as London's front gate. The old London Bridge was built by Kerr Church Peter (1176 ~ 1209), to replace the late Rome period and the early Middle Ages has built a wooden bridge. The 19 hole bridge, the arch span different, stand in different sizes on piers, the bridge opening is too narrow, the tides tend to form a jet. The maximum of the arches of the bridge span is 10.4 meters, the narrowest 4.6 meters. The largest river in Central Pier on the building of a chapel. 3 years after completion, due to fire damage. After sral disastrous accidents, n so, the old London Bridge was for centuries in residential and commercial traffic tie, the bridge is the only on Thames River in london. Sn fifties, a large part of the bridge by C. Rabel reconstruction. Eigh twenties, the demolition of old bridges, rebuilding the new London Bridge, designed by Rennie, his son built. After 8 years of construction, completed in 1894 to pass. The bridge consists of 4 tower building connection. A total of 5 arch bridge, which is located in the middle of the river between the two bridge pier arch span, up to 46 meters. Two bridge base are respectively 7.6 meters high, and the foundation and has built 5 storey tower square two granite and steel structure, two square tower on another 4 white marble Senkaku and 5 all minaret, looked like the two crown. Two main Tagegao 42.67 meters. The bridge is divided into upper and lower two floors, the top layer plays a supporting role of Twin Towers, the deck for a wide suspended walkways, with windows on both sides, can enjoy the scenery of Thames River pedestrian boarding bridge. The lower deck can be opened and closed, normally open to traffic, the bridge girder open can accommodate 10000 tons of vessels through. When the ship through, as long as a tower machine move, intermediate deck is one divides into two., slowly lifted upward, after the ship, and falls slowly, recovery of passage. The activities of two decks, each weighing 1000 tons. Tower Bridge of London is the capital of a major scenic spots, tourists can watch towers near the boarding bridge city scenery, can also be visited in the main tower Museum and Exhibition hall. The old bridge facing stones removed and shipped to the United States Arizona Lake Hasu City, laid out in a rerced concrete bridge, in order to attract visitors around
求一段关于LONDON BRIDGE(伦敦塔桥)的英文介绍
Tower Bridge, London。
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