return过去式 return过去分词
return move miss sell 的过去式 过去分词 现在分词
fear feard (无进行时态) fearsreturned, returned returning
return过去式 return过去分词
return过去式 return过去分词
return过去式 return过去分词
moved cost cost costing costs moved moving
missed missed missing
sold sold selling
returned returned returning
sold sold selling
已经有了我就不说了- -
He said he ( ) return from Germany the next day.
{return(a+b);//这里得加上(),否则编译器会报或错A 这里首先排除BD,因为主句用过去式said从句也要用过去式,be to 表示打算,用于将来,Dgo to 总不太对
然后be to 表示将要做什么事情,所以选择A
double 的return 用法
land landed landing lands着陆return f;
int Add(int a,int b){return a+b;} //或者return(a+b)
int sum;//和
sum = Add(a,b);//返回a+b的值
另moved moved moving外
double Add(int a,int b)
Marvel's agents of S.H.I.L.E.D will return in a w
compare compared comparing compares 对比是Marvel's agents of S.H.I.L.E.D will return in a moment, 中文翻译会变味,大致是漫威的神盾局特工会马上回归,就是还有的意思
choose chose choosing choosesmarvel神话中的神盾局特工不一会就回来了。
三、用“in order+带to的不定式”表示目的状语:Ireturned
tsupe suped suping supes使o
will would (无进行时态) will 下决心
fall fell falling falls 落下;跌倒;下降;减少
dress dressed dressing dresses 给...穿衣;打扮;包扎
write wrote writing writes 写
predict predicted predicting predicts 预测
come came coming comes 来自
seem seemed (无进行时态) seems 似乎
play played playing plays 玩
argue argued arguing argues 争辩
could could (无进行时态) could 能够
surprise surprised surprising surprises 使...吃惊
bake baked baking bakes 烤制
fail failed (无进行时态) fails 失败
return returned returning returns 归还
fit fitted (无进行时态) fits 适合
complain complained complaining complains 抱怨
include included including includes 包括;包含
send sent sending sends 发送
buy bought buying buys 买
imagine imagined imagining imagines 想像
follow followed following follows 跟随
kid kidded kidding kids 耍弄
climb climbed climbing cli 攀爬
jump jumped jumping jumps 跳跃
shout shouted shouting shouts 射击
ride rode riding rides 骑
run ran running runs 跑
meet met meeting meets 遇见
happen happened happening happens 发生
hear heard hearing hears 听到
kill killed killing kills 杀
murder murdered murdering murders
ring rang ringing rings 响铃
l told ling ls 告诉
close closed (无进行时态) close 关闭
destroy destroyed destroying destroys毁灭
copy copied copying copies
eat ate eating eats吃
return returned returning returns
organize organized organizing organizes
collect collected collecting collects
store stored storing stores
be was/were being am/is/are
bring brought bringing brings
miss missed missing misses
annoy annoyed annoying annoys
cough cbecome became becoming becomes变成oughed coughing coughs
break broke breaking breaks
oke oked oking okes
criticize criticized criticizing criticizes
drop dropped dropping drops
pick picked picking picks
behthink thought thinking thinks 认为;思考e (名词是behior行为)
receive received receiving receives
give ge giving gives
enter entered entering enters
sing sang singing sings
encourage encouraged encouraging encourages
suggest suggested suggesting suggests
mention mentioned (无进行时态) mentions
see saw seeing sees
wake woke waking wakes
cross crossed crossing crosses
open opened opening opensOrder的用法
push pushed pushing pushs 推一、名词order作“顺序”、“次序”、“整齐”、“秩序”
1. The machine is in good working order. 机器运转良好.
2. The four seasons follow in order. 四个季节依次轮换.
1. The factory has received an order for 2,000 machine tools. 工厂受到了一张要买2,000 台机床的订货单.
2. These machines are made to order. 这些机器是定做的.(to order指按照订货要求的样式而言.)
3. The erage diameter of an atomic nucleus is of the order 10 or 10 centimeter. 原子核平均直
1. We are working hard (in order) to build sociali in China. 我们正在为建设而努力工作.
2. In order to measure the resistance of a conductor, it is necessary to he some fixed standard. 为了测量导体的电阻,就要有某种固定的标准.
make made makes 让;使得1.was 的原形是 is
3.went的原形是gfly flew flying flies 飞;飞行o
is go is go is are show is is take is is want say wait is
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