最天使这首歌想要表达什么 最天使歌词背后的故事
最天使这首歌想要表达什么 最天使歌词背后的故事
最天使这首歌想要表达什么 最天使歌词背后的故事
stage in 2009, there has been a once-yi can be.
一把吉他一段创作啊,你就可以歌颂。 A guitar for some creative ah, you will be proud of.
歌颂狮子座与最《最天使》是曾轶可2009年的原创歌曲,以舒缓吉他旋律为基调,略带伤感,收入与曾轶可首张专辑《Forr Road》中,点S击S普S通S下S载:天使,歌颂友谊和爱情。 Leo and the best angels praise, extol friendship and love.
你不是最坏的天使,也不再是曾经的孩子。 You are not the best the worst angels are no longer had children.
一个人的时候丢弃的伞,也可以不被冷落遗忘。 When a person discarded umbrella, you can not be neglected forgotten.
你可以回到自己的世界,弹着简单, You can return to their world, and a piano to a chord,
123,123,一样动听。 123,123, the same sounds.
勇敢一点,勇敢一点,你很勇敢。 A little courage, courage that you are very bre.
曾经的流言和蜚语,如同一场遗忘的电影。 He been rumors and enjoys a language, like a forgotten movie.
牛奶和选题同样美丽,房子和小诗会属于你。 Milk and topics of the same beauty, house and poems will belong to you.
流星从来都不是多余,陨落的瞬间亦是如此绚丽。 Meteor is nr redundant, Fall is also true brilliant moment.
飞走的忐忑是你,When a man cast umbrella, also can not slighted forgotten.我一直铭记. Flew away disturbed were you, I always keep in mind.
09 happy female stage, a CengYi can.
Guitar for a creative ah, you can sing.
Sing praises to the angels, Leo friendship and love.
Perhaps not so vo is so fine, talented youngster.
You are not the best and most bad angels, they are no longer had children.
You can back your world, with chord,
123,123, beautiful equally.
Be bre and courageous, you are bre.
Once the gossip, rumors, and as a forgotten.
Milk and topic, and also beautiful house poets gathering belongs to you.
Meteors are nr falling, so it is gorgeous instantly.
The font is away, I always remember you.
Thank you this summer, love you forr!
曾轶可的《最天使》 歌词
声线或许没那么细腻,才华却是那么横溢。 Vo may be less delicate, and talented but is so Snov.最天感谢这个夏天你的降临,永远爱你! Thank you come this summer, always love you!使
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