我喜欢喝下午茶咖啡 的英文


我喜欢喝Everything stops for tea下午茶咖啡 的英文:



I like to he afternoon tea and coffee.


适合咖啡厅下午茶时间放的英文歌曲 求·····

2、The Weepies,我的抒情的音乐,缓缓的调子轻轻的哼唱,不知你听过没?


1、《Down at the Coffee shop》Katie Goes To Tokyo,咖啡厅音乐,甜蜜温柔,收藏。

3、Hello Saferide ,最近淘的音乐,调子舒缓温暖,连续循环播放,超级喜欢。

4、 laura story,这首歌非常抒情的,感觉是唱给亲人的,有点感动到,你也可以搜索该歌手的其他歌。

5、Chuka M,这首是RNB风的,纯属个人喜欢,顺便。

7、< >taru,相当柔和的一首音乐,我非常喜欢。

8、tamas wells,这首歌都烂熟了,听一次就喜欢上,就不多说了,对了,这首歌你也可以去了解一些它的产生背景,非常有意义的一首歌。

9、 Amy diamond,又是一首烂熟的歌,我手空间背景音乐呐。


11、Traditionally, a formal afternoon tea is performed according to certain rules of etiquette. At intimate gatherings the tea server (usually the hostess) pours the tea while seated with her guests. Laurel Music,前阵子开始听Laurel Music的音乐,调子比较淳朴,有些民谣的感觉,非常喜欢。

12《Flightless Bird,American Mouth》Iron & Wine,这是暮光之城片尾曲呐,次听就喜欢上了,配上男女主角晚会共舞的情景,特别有感觉。不过有点伤感哦。



以前一般都叫Tea Time或Tea Break,不过现在人觉得自己属于时尚一族了不懂得说High Tea的就让人觉得另类。另外值得一提,的下午茶时间是从2点半到5点半,有些甚至到6点。这是因为人(当地的而不算外来或的)一般晚饭时间比较迟,所以造就这现象。High Tea在英国辞典里面有解释是傍晚茶呢!

Afternoon tea is a all meal snack typically eaten between m and 5pm. The custom of afternoon tea originated in England in the 1840s.

Now I know just why Franz Schubert


Traditionally, loose tea is brewed in a teapot and served with milk and sugar. The sugar and caffeine of the concoction provided fortification against afternoon doldrums for the working poor of 19th and early 20th century England who had a significantly lower calorie count and more physically demanding occupation than most Westerners today. For laborers, the tea was sometimes accompanied by a all sandwich or baked snack (such as scones) that had been packed for them in the morning. For the more privileged, afternoon tea was accompanied by luxury ingredient sandwiches(customarily cucumber, egg and cress, fish paste, ham, and oked salmon), scones (with clotted cream and jam, see cream tea) and usually cakes and pastries (such as Battenberg cake, fruit cake or Victoria sponge). In hos and tea shops the food is often served on a tiered stand; there may be no sandwiches, but bread or scones with butter or margarine and optional jam or other spread, or toast, muffins or crumpets.[3][4][5]

Nowadays, a formal afternoon tea is usually taken as a treat in a ho or tea shop.[citation needed] In ryday life, many Britons take a much r refreshment consisting of tea (and occasionallybiscuits) as one of many short tea breaks throughout the day.[citation needed] Most quality hos in Britain serve afternoon tea, sometimes in a palm court, and more recently he offered the option of champagne instead of tea.


While visiting Belvoir Castle, Anna Maria Russell, Duchess of Bedford, is credited as the first person to he transformed afternoon tea in England into a late-afternoon meal rather than a refreshment.

[7][dubious – discuss]

Isabella Beeton, whose books on home economics were widely read in the 19th century, describes afternoon teas of various kinds: the old-fashioned tea, the at-home tea, the family tea and the high tea and provides menus.[8]


Afternoon tea


A Cream Tea means that clotted cream is served as well. Clotted cream, also called Devonshire cream, is a thick cream made by heating milk until a layer of cream forms on its suce that is then cooled and skimmed off.

Afternoon tea was "invented" by Anna, Duchess of Bedford (1783 – 1857), wife of the 7th Duke, in 1840 as "a way to quell the inevitable ger pangs between lunch and dinner". In other words, she “got too gry for dinner at eight…”!

The server first asks "Sugar?”, then “one lump or two?". The sugar, if requested, is placed in the cup using specially designed sugar tongs.

Then she asks, "Milk, or lemon?"

Milk and lemon should not be used toger since lemon curdles the milk. Fresh milk is the best cho for Indian or African teas, and lemon for Ceylon or China teas.

The milk is poured before the tea.

(But see Tea Trivia below!!)

For the lemon-takers, a plate garnished with thinly sld lemons is offered with a all fork. Most British think that the addition of英国人爱茶不亚于人。人讲究品茶,品茶之香味,寄君子之情怀;而英国人强调喝茶,以茶提神,借茶放松,注重它的实用性。15世纪中叶从东方漂洋过海传来的茶文化,让英国人沉醉了三百年,这个外来的传统逐渐演变成了英国人最典型的习俗。每天下午四点,雷打不动的下午茶,无论是简是繁,是高雅还是简朴,都寄托了英国人保守中带着包容的性格和恬淡中透着黑色幽默的生活态度。就像这首有意思又好听的老歌“EVERYTHINGSTOPS FOR TEA”(JackBuchanan)中唱到的:“每个都有自己喜欢的饮料,而英国人就偏爱茶,无论你手中在做什么,下午四点,雷打不动的下午茶……” lemon is pretentious/affected!

After handing the cup to the guest, hot water is offered for those who like their tea weaker.

Once ryone is served tea, the guests select traditional tea fare from the table or a tiered cake stand. The goodies can include crumpets slathered with butter, tea breads with fresh and dried fruits, dainty well-trimmed tea sandwiches, tall stand cakes, flaky scones, tart jams, lemon curds, all cookies, etc. Each guest takes a napkin, a all plate, and a butter knife for spreading jam, cream or sweet butter.

It takes some pract to balance a full cup, saucer, plate piled high with cakes and sandwiches, knife and napkin, but dropping cru and spilling tea are initiation rites and part of the enjoyment of the ceremony.

For Ho restaurant or Tea Room serv, wait staff serve customers at individual tables.


2. On the London Eye, I enjoyed the beautiful London night.


In the 19th century large meaty breakfasts were common and luncheon was a light sort of picnic with no servants present. Dinner was not served until 8 pm, so it is perfectly understandable that the duchess got a little gry in the late afternoon.

你好,“下午的悠闲时光”可以翻译成英语是:The leisure time in the afternoon。














从明天起, 做一个幸福的人

喂马, 劈柴, 周游世界

从明天起, 关心粮食和蔬菜

我有一所房子, 面朝大海, 春暖花开

从明天起, 和每一个亲人通信




陌生人, 我也为你祝福



而我只愿面朝大海, 春暖花开










Brunch corresponding afternoon tAfternoon Tea is the serv that comes to mind when we think of a sophisticated British tea. It’s the elegant repast served at 4 or 5 pm, consisting of tea with scones, all sandwiches, cakes and other pastries.ea



Has to stop and 'em pour when the clock strikes four





现在下午茶成了英国饮食文化的标志。来这里的游客一定要排着队去餐厅体验一把极尽奢华的英式下午茶,普通英国人恐怕也只会在特别的大日子才会给自己去高大上餐厅享受下午茶的机会。高规格个人建议英式,日式的目前还是算了,音乐愉悦的,杯子自然要讲究一些,其实下午茶就是从英国那边翻译过来的,那时候,的茶在英国都是王公贵族才能喝到的,一般来说,喝下午茶,会准备很多精致的点心,希望可以帮到您,礼仪的用中式的也行,比较国人大多不懂英国的。的英式下午茶不像炸鱼薯条或是英式早餐那样普遍存在于家家户户的生活中了,但这并不影响下午茶文化在英国的传承。英式下午茶不仅仅存在于餐厅,品尝味道感受形式的同时,更重要的是领会精神。在英国的寻常家,下午茶更多的是一种生活态度。下午四点,人们会放下手头的工作,给自己一杯茶的休息时光,雷打不动。哪怕杯中泡的只是超市便宜的茶包,碟中摆的只是简单的两块饼干,但下午茶时光放松的心情和畅快的享受怕是和贵族们没什么两样。英国作家HenryJames曾说:生活中能有几个瞬间比下午茶时光更令人愉快。(“Thereare few hours in life more agreeable than the hour dedicated to the ceremonyknown as afternoon tea.”)

Every nation in creation has its fourite drink

Turkey has its coffee and they serve it blacker than ink

Russians go for vodka and England loves its tea

Oh, the factories may be roaring

With a boom-a-lacka, zoom-a-lacka, wee

But there isn't any roar when the clock strikes four

In the middle of an alimony plea

It's a very good English custom

Though the weather be cold or hot

When you need a little pick-up, you'll find a little tea cup

Will always hit the spot

Yoemember Cleopatra

When he came an hour late she said "You'll he towait"

For rything stops for tea

Oh, they may be playing football

And the crowd is yelling "Kill the referee!"

Oh, the golfer may be golfing

And is just about to make a hole-in-three

But it always gets them sore when the clock yells"four!"

It's a very good English custom

And a stimulant for the brain

When you feel a little weary, a cup'll make you cheery

And it's cheaper than champagne

Didn't finish his unfinished symphony

He might he written more but the clock struck four




回答和翻译如下 :

drink afternoon tea

喝 下 午 茶 。

he/drink afternoon teaFrance is famous for its wine, it's beer in Germany

he afternoon tea





1.standing on the London Tower Bridge, I look at the Thames, with the bell of big ben comes into my ear from time to time.


3.with afternoon tea served, I enjoyed my wonderful afternoon in a cafe.

I stood on Tower Bridge of London, looking at the Thames River, heard from Ben bell.2, I am in a cafe drinking tea enjoying

1.I stood on Tower Bridge of London, looking at the Thames River, heard from Ben bell.

2.I'm in a cafe drinking tea enjoy a leisurely afternoon time.

3.I ride on The London Eye, enjoy the beautiful night view of London.

Riding on The London Eye, I enjoy the beautiful night view of London

I got on the London Eye, to enjoy the beautiful night view of London


But no matter what the score, when the clock strikes four



材质: 茶杯可以由各种材质制成,包括陶瓷、瓷器、玻璃、金属等。不同材质的茶杯具有不同的保温性和手感。

设计: 茶杯的设计各式各样,有些具有花纹、图案或文字,有些则非常简约。设计独特的茶杯常常受到茶艺爱好者的喜爱。

容量: 茶杯的容量因种类和用途而异。有些茶杯非常小巧,适合品尝茶叶,而有些茶杯较大,适合冲泡普洱茶等。

用途: 茶杯主要用于冲泡和品尝茶水。不同类型的茶需要不同的杯具,茶杯的种类和形状会影响如果说有人受不了炸鱼薯条的油腻或是英式早餐的…油腻,那英式下午茶一定是一样老少咸宜,童叟无欺的美味。英式下午茶的点心通常是摆在三层茶盘上的,每层的摆放还颇有讲究。上层的甜品蛋糕是一颗甜蜜炸弹,轻松俘获女性的芳心;中层是英式司康,俗称烤面坨,实实在在的填饱了饥肠辘辘的肚皮;下层是咸味的三明治,各种味道的碰撞成功点燃绅士们的味蕾。有甜有咸,有精致的所在也不乏实在的干粮,由此足可见它的多元与包容。英国的茶文化可并不局限在品茶之味,更重要的是赏茶之韵。英式下午茶和英国人一样,拥有着优雅又浮华的气质——精美的三层餐碟,奢华的茶具,连享用它的人们都不得着得体才配得上它的高规格。它是充满英伦味道的慢享受,慢中有序,享受中带着不疾不徐的惬意。既有自由的包容力,又有恬淡的惬意感,这就是为什么英式下午茶是最能体现英伦特色的一餐。茶的口感和香气。




