英语The Central Reitory怎么翻译?



central翻译 centercentral翻译 center

central翻译 center

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the central reitory



你好!英语The Central Reitory翻译过来中文的意思就是:存储库!

英语The Central Reitory,可以翻译成:存储库。


中学为什么翻译成Central South University而不是South Centr

英语 the central reitory 翻译为中文,意思是储存库。例如, The central reitory stores version histories of test assets and templates for reuse. 出生后会储存测试资源和模板的版本历史。

经常串法:25/F,New World Tower, Queen's Rd. 16-18, Central, HK后者是南方大学

The Central Reitory


英语The Central Reitory这样翻译:存储库

there is a river beside this building which connects with a central garden,surrounded by a line of willows.in the morning,children always roll and play on the lawn,while the old exercise Tai Chi by the central garden.At nightfall,sometimes, there has fishing people,and some lovers walk along the river edge with hand in hand.As for me,i like enjoying the sunset here,with the lake is inf按照中文的意思和顺序翻译的呗,并且central和south是形容词+名词结构,偏中的南部,词法通,意思也通,念起来也上口;south central university是什么东东啊?南部的大学?亦或是南部的中心大学?云里雾里的,令人费解。ected in the gold with the sunset glow,i he a英语 the central reitory 翻译为中文,意思是储存库。 feeling that i am out of the earth.


盘, 碟, 盘子


a⒈丽S all the apartment locate the east of city a dynasty sun area, tight depend the Great Wall ho, be apart from an airport high-speed road only one kilometer;bbr.

[军] Main Tank Gun, 坦克主炮



[数]角, 角落



停止, Application - The central reitory of shared applications in a comr network.被塞住


塞住, 堵塞, 阻止, 击落, 断绝, 终止, 难倒


这个地址用英语如何翻译?地 址:中环德辅道中130-132号大生银行大厦10楼A1室


Address: Room A1,10th Floor,Tai Sang Bank Building, 130-132 Des Voeux Road Central, HongKong

HongKong 要连起来


Room 可简写为Rm

10th Floor 可[stCp]简写为10/F

Road 可简写为Rd.

4.The equipments of the kitchen and health is complete, there are the central air condition and 24 hours, hot water supply, the elevator circulates day and night.你好!

Central, Hong Kong, No. 130-132 Des Voeux Road Central, da sheng Bank Building, 10th Floor, Room A1


Address: Room A1,10th Floor,Tai Sang Bank Building, 130-132 Des Voeux Road Central, Hong Kong


Room A1, 10th Floor, Dasheng Bank Building,from 130 to 132 Des Voeux Road Central, Hong Kong


钓鱼, 追逐

2.The high and low layer building is complete, the different living quarters design is provided for dissimilarity to choose;

英语 the central reitory 翻译成中文意思是存储库。例如,the central reitory stores many things. 储存库储存很多东西。

3. He ample of greenly and the parking lot,school,hospital,restaurant and the modernization shopping centre is ry kind is supplied here;


⒉ High and low layer the building is complete, the different living quarters design is provided for dissimilarity to choose;

The ⒊ has ample of greenly and parking lot, school, hospital, restaurant and modernization shopping center provide rything;

The ⒋蹰卫 equipments is complete, there are central air condition and 24 hours, hot water supplies, the elevator circulates day and night 接下来你自己连



英文地址的排序跟中⒈LIdu apartment is located the city east dynasty sun zone, depending the Great Wall ho tightly, being apart from high-speed road in airport only one kilometre;文相反的:


25/F, New World Tower, No. 16-18 Queen's Road Central, Central, Hong kong

Queen's road central, Hong Kong 16-18 new century building 25 floor

或Queen's Road Central, Hong Kong New World Tower, 25th Floor, 16-18

16 Queen's Rd, Central


停止, 车站, These s lock files so that only one dloper has write access to the central reitory at a time.逗留, 障碍, 风琴的音栓, 填塞

born in a all town of central Jiangsu Prov六级考试ince


born in a all town of middle JiangSu province


[词典] [法] municipality directly under the central governmen新世界大厦 皇后大道中 t;



[词典] [法] municipality directly under the central government;


Shanghai is one of the four municipalities under the jurisdiction of the central government.


Land Ecological Security Evaluation Based on Principal Component Analysis& Take Examples of 10 Provincial Cities in Shaanxi Province

central park 中心公园

[sentrl park] 此为音标

只能帮到你这么多,The Central Reitory要么下个有道词典,在线发音听听

深 矬 楼上的是用google翻译的哦 怕 儿 咳 此为中音模仿