魔兽世界黑珍珠猎豹图纸哪弄?好弄么 ?说具体点谢谢


黑珍珠猎豹 / 海伦尼亚/塞拉“the WickedWench”被销毁的时候还是一艘普通的船,被戴维琼斯救回后被命名为黑珍珠号。摩(裁缝的楼下)

黑珍珠号图纸 黑珍珠号图纸比例黑珍珠号图纸 黑珍珠号图纸比例

黑珍珠号图纸 黑珍珠号图纸比例







盗贼之海黑珍珠之心在公海的海底。在盗贼之海游戏中,沉没的黑珍珠号在盗贼之海公海的海底,玩家们可以根据光柱的位置进行寻找,找到光柱之后,下潜到海的最深处,后续玩家们还Blackbeard's l杰克船长希海底望戴维琼斯能够帮助自己,把“theWicked Wench”给救回来。戴维琼斯答应了。ast stand要到沉没的黑珍珠号上,然后沿着铁链找到一个大门,开启此大门需要一个海妖之心,所以盗贼之海黑珍珠之心在公海的海底。


杰克船长被栽赃成为了海盗,关进了大牢之中。“theWicked Wench”也被东印度公司给销毁沉入到了大海之中。




扩展资料:是只有联盟才可以买到的 你可以去藏宝看看有卖的吗 尘泥的塞拉摩就有的卖 如果是你联盟可以自己去买




These are some facts about the one of the greatest sea-battles , about the final day of Captain Blackbeard and his pirates .

Lieutenant Robert Maynard was assigned by Alexander Spotswood, the governor of Virginia , to capture or kill pirate Edward Teach, nicknamed Blackbeard. Maynard took control of the two sloops , " Ranger" and " Jane", perfectly suited for shallow waters . It was a very difficult mission, but not for such a fearless and experienced nal commander.

He prepared attack under cover. The pirate ters learned that Blackbeard was in his base at Ocracoke Islands . They sailed there quietly and found pirates anchored in Ocracoke Inlet in the ning of 21 st November 1718. The pirates were celebrating and drinking whole night with local merchants. Teach was unaware of the pursuers, although he had sources that had warned him of potential attack.

The fight between those sloops began at dawn. There was not practically any wind and both attacking sloops were forced to use the oars. Maynard raised a flag and rushed directly into the conflict with ry sail and oar. His sloops were unarmed so he had no better cho. Blackbread knew tha t his opponents had much more men, so he tried to escape while he was firing from his heily loaded guns. Although those shallow waters were perfectly familiar to him, his sloop still ran aground . Howr, same happened to Maynard's vessels. While Maynard was waiting for a tide to attack pirates, enemies were hing an opportunity to mock on each other , they were that close.

Just about as Maynard's sloops were ready to attack the "Aenture"Blackbeard had lost his flagship , the "Queen's Anne Rnge", not long before this nt . Therefore, he had to rely on the sloop "Aenture", which was equipped with 10 guns. There were not more than 25 pirates on the ship that day., she got afloat and ready for engagement. Blackbeard fired a broadside on the "Ranger", killing around twenty soldiers including a sloop's commander. The "Ranger" was totally crippled and out of battle. Then Maynard, who was in the Jane, sailed straight towards the "Aenture" with a genius plan that brought victory .

Lieutenant hid most of his man bellow the deck. When Blackbeard spotted almost empty ship , he decided to board "Jane". With four pirates, he recklessly entered the sloop. The signal was given to Maynard's men, who quickly attacked outnumbered opponents.

It was an epic hand-to-hand conflict like we are seeing in movies, certainly one of the most fearful in nal history. Especially dramatic and intense was one-on-one fight between the captains . Maynard wounded Blackbeard with close shot from his gun, but Lieutenant's sword broke in mêlée between them. Hopefully, he was sed by one Highlander at the very last moment . Soon after, Teach got fatal cuts in the neck and throat and finally died after he got more then twenty wounds.

Without their valiant commander, rest of mostly-injured pirates was defeated easily. The same went for the others who were left on the "Aenture" as the crew from partially recovered "Ranger" captured them. The fight was over and Maynard slung Blackbeard's head below the bowsprit of the "Jane" as a trophy of the famous victory .



比如说有黑珍珠号,拦截号,诺灵顿的无谓号The most famous pirate,飞翔的荷兰人号,复仇女神号,努力号等等。








