
推推搡搡的意思 推推搡搡的意思解释推推搡搡的意思 推推搡搡的意思解释

推推搡搡的意思 推推搡搡的意思解释

推推搡搡的意思 推推搡搡的意思解释

1、At my bank the other day, I was s tanding in a line snaking around some tired velvet ropes when a man in a sweat-suit started inching toward me in his eagerness to deit his Social Security check.原文:As he did so, I minuy aanced toward the woman reading the Wall Street Journal in front of me, who, in mild annoyance, began to sidle up to the man scribbling a check in front of her, who absentmindedly shuffled toward the white-haired lady ahead of him.由于他的做法,我不得不被迫挨近前面正在读华尔街日报的女士。



4、until we were all hugger-mugger against each other, the original lazy line hing collapsed in on itself like a Slinky.我们都杂乱地彼此贴近,原本松散的队伍就像坠下楼梯的弹簧圈一样锁紧在一起。

5、I estimate that my personal space extends eigh inches in front of my face, one foot to each side, and about ten inches in back—though it is nearly imsible to measure exactly how far behind you someone is standing.我估摸着我的个人空间只能向前延伸十八英寸,两边各一英尺,向后只有十英寸(尽管几乎不可能准确测量那个站在你身后的人离你有多远)。

6、The phrase "personal space" has a quaint, snties ring to it ("You're invading my space, man"), but it is one of those gratifying expressions that are intuitively understood by all human beings.“个人空间”这个词听起来有点古板,像是那些生活在七十年代人的语气(“你侵占了我的空间,先生”)。

7、Like the twelve-mile limit around our national shores, personal space is our individual border beyond which no stranger can penetrate without us uneasy.但用这句令人愉悦地话时,人们总能被它直观地说服。


9、Lay, I've found that my personal space is being invaded more than r before.近,我发现我的个人空间受到了前所未有的侵犯。

10、In elevators, people are wedging themselves in just before the doors close; on the street, pedestrians are zigzagging through the human traffic, jostling others, refusing to give way.电梯里,人们为了搭上电梯,蜂拥而入;大街上,行人为了赶路,蜿蜒地穿过,推推搡搡,绝不让道。

11、on the subway, riders are no longer taking pains to carve out little zones of space between themselves and fellow-passengers; in lines at airports, people are pressing forward like fidgety taxis at red lights.地铁里,乘客不会努力去维持自己和别人之间的适当距离;机场的候机队伍里,人们不断向前推挤,就像面对红灯时烦躁不安的出租车司机。

12、At first, I attributed this tendency to the "population explosion" and the relentless Malthusian logic that if tw as many people inhabit the planet now as did twenty years ago, each of us has half as much space. Recently, I've wondered if it's the season:起初,我把这种趋势归因为“人炸”以及冷酷的马尔萨斯逻辑,也就是说相比二十年前,如果有现在有两倍的人生活在地球上,我们每个人拥有的空间只有原来的一半。

13、近,我在想这是否是因为季节:T-shirt weather can make proximity more alluring (or much, much less).穿T恤的天气也许会更吸引人们互相接近(或者更加厌恶其他人靠近)。

14、Or perhaps the proliferation of coffee bars in Manhattan—the number seems to double ry three months—is infusing so much caffeine into the already jangling locals that people can no longer keep to themselves.抑或是曼哈顿不断涌现的咖啡厅——它们的数量似乎每三个月就会翻一番——给本来就喧闹焦躁的当地人注入了太多的,所以他们更不要独自待着了。

15、Personal space is mostly a public matter; we allow all kinds of invasions of personal space in private. (Humanity wouldn't exist without them.)个人空间主要是一个公众场合的问题;私下里我们允许各种侵犯个人空间的行为。


17、)The logistics of it vary according to geography. People who live in Calcutta he less personal space than folks in Colorado.个人空间的逻辑准则和地域有关。


19、“不要踩我”这样的话只会出自某个拥有大片土地的人疯疯癫癫 祟祟 絮絮叨叨 浑浑噩噩 结结巴巴。

20、I would wager that people in the Northern Hemisphere he roomier conceptions of personal space than those in the Southern.我敢打北半球人比南半球人的有更深的私人空间概念。

21、To an Englishman, a handshake can seem like trespassing, whereas to a Brazilian, anything less than a hug may come across as chilliness.对一个英国人来说,握手都可能是一种冒犯;然而对一个巴西人而言,连个拥抱都没有就会被看作是冷淡。

