功夫熊猫的影评 功夫熊猫的影评怎么写?
一、“功夫熊猫”登陆全国院线,我也是观众之一。 影片以高水平的动画制作、幽默的语言对白和生动感人的故事情节征服了和全世界的人。本片绝佳。无论苛刻的影评人,还是孩子们都高度评价该片。据说导演马克?奥斯波恩研究文化已达30年。“功夫熊猫”由西方制作,却充满了东方神韵。有:导演马克?奥斯波恩用了30年时间研究文化,制作这部影片历时5年。他的目的就是让全球观众更好地了解文化。功夫、熊猫、山水、太极、庙会、书法、针灸都是典型的符号;动物们吃的是面条和包子,用的是筷子;猴形、鹤形、蛇形、虎形、螳螂是传统武术中颇具特色的拳法。这是一部元素大全的电影。 本片的故事情节对于人来说非常俗套,是以往的功夫片中经常运用的“替师傅清理门户”情节。如果要是用人来演的话恐怕没人来看,但是用动物来演,影片就生动了不少,趣味性十足。这就是动画片和故事片不同! 其实影片给我最深印象的是“老乌龟”。联想到人的话它应该就是少林寺得道高僧的化身。影片中的“乌龟”宁静、慈善、睿智。对他的耗子说“太郎会制造新的麻烦”;“你要宁静下来便可以知道事物真正的面目”;“该发生的必然会发生”;“你要学会相信”。对阿宝说:“昨天是历史,明天是谜团,只有今天是天赐的礼物”这些所有的一切都体现了,他是一个乌龟,他做到了乌龟的境界。他的话是一种对于自然的教诲,同时也反映了一种对于宿命式的唯心主义。 影片中耗子的大徒弟“大龙”,为了争夺秘籍,做神龙,不惜叛变师门…在影片的结尾当“大龙”真正得到了“秘籍”后,发现秘籍上一个字都没有,而秘籍像面镜子一样只能照到自己的时候,人们或许能明白,其实人真正要超越的就是自己!!! 看完《功夫熊猫》才发现导演和西方导演相的不是技术,也不是能力,而是想法。试想,如果让导演拍摄这部影片,阿宝可能是“憨态可掬”,“老实忠厚”任人欺负的形象,缺乏想象力!我们固步自封,人家已经走了很远。
功夫熊猫的影评 功夫熊猫的影评怎么写?
功夫熊猫的影评 功夫熊猫的影评怎么写?
"传说中,有一只传说中的熊猫,它比传说中的熊猫更加传说"...刚开始我就被它那式的周星驰般无厘头搞笑所吸引,继而发现了它所在意义不仅体现在搞笑这方面,其中不乏对元素的展现,比如说面条,包子,针灸,书法,服饰等.在音乐方面如竹笛,the dream factory has always been the high standard,the screen exquisite detail,vivid characters vivid,touching story twists and turns,the most important thing is it in the most and easy to understand that the way of a token,that is - there is no shortcut to the world and Cheats,the only winning Famen is beli in themselves.二胡等有着优美音韵的传统乐器.还有那高山流水,殿堂楼阁,都精致地展现出的味道.当然,功夫必不可少,片中的虎拳,猴拳,鹤拳,蛇拳和螳螂拳拳拳精彩.可谓把功夫的运动形式表现的淋漓尽致...最值得一提的是这部影片的另一亮点"励志".没错,这也是一部励志片,归结起来也就八个字"相信自己,建立目标".我是这么理解的,自信可以使你从平凡走向辉煌.同样,要掌握自己的命运,就要先建立目标,只要你设定了目标,就要付出努力去得到它,谁能坚持到底,谁便能取胜....
5.把人的功夫用动物形象表达出来也有一定创造力。其中5个大侠用5种不同的动物代表,在功夫里我们能找到以这些动物名字相对应的武功,如螳螂拳,蛇拳,猴拳等等I always enjoyed all the movie about Harry Potter. I must disclaim that I am a huge fan of J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter. I think the movie is really fascinatng. Harry Potter is a boy who has sorcery.He is very bre and firm. All the movies he many features. For example, the fourth movie 's circs is intense.But the fifth movie is very boring.Don ' t go to see it if you he time.。
故名思意就是的意思 ,而国保熊猫则代表强大的人。说明对师傅忘思负义,和狠子野心,被代表了熊猫的打败!
Kungfu panda中文意Po study kungfu very hard.At last he to defeat the Tai Lung.Po se the Valley Of Peace.Po was real Dragon Warrior.思
【功夫熊猫英语2、Harry Potter (哈利波特)作文】
But when his teacher Shifu discovered that Paul can do anything if he had his food in front of him. Then, the hard training started by Paul.
I thought that his goal is very , to get food to eat, and his Shifu used that habit and made him the best dragon warrior.
I learned a lesson from Paul which is when he had a firm goal, he will try to get it no matter what ers lie in front of him. That's the part that I like him the most.
【来自Kung Fu Panda is an excellent movie that deserves to be seen by ryone. Its combination of humor, action, and heartfelt moments makes it a treat for the eyes and ears. The characters are well-dloped and engaging, and the stoine is both fun and inspiring. The movie's message about following your dreams and overcoming obstacles is universal and resonates with audiences of all ages. I highly recommend Kung Fu Panda to ryone, and I give it a rating of 5 out of 5 stars.英语牛人团】
I recommend this film to you.!The panda named Po. He was so fat and he was lazy.Po worked with his father. His father named Ping.He was good at cooking noodles.The noodles is very delicious.One day,MR.Oogway will choose Dragon Warrior.Every one go to the temple.Po climbed hard that he was soon tired.At last he can got the top of the mountain.but he can’t look the Dragon Warrior.Then he take the firecrackers.Po fly in the sky.And he fell on the ground. The Oogway. chooses -- yes, he chooses the hapless and pudgy Po.
I see this movie lastweek,I like the panda best,because he is cute.I hope the Po can protect the Valley Of Peace.I think this is a good film.
I told her its one of the cutiest animal in the world ,it only lives in China.1、Film Review 影评(功夫熊猫)
My forite moive is 《KongKu Panda》. It was a story about a panda named Po, who wanted to be a Kongfu warrior. One day he was chosen by chance to be Dragon warrior to fight against a bad guy. But the thought he was not qualified, because he did know about KongFu, and tried to make him quit. Through his hardworking, he finally defeated the bad guy and became the Dragon warrior.
The film is so interesting and also has profound meaning. It ls the old and classic story about not giving up and believing in yourself. It is also very interesting to find out that the film is full of the Chinese elements and take them into account. The fat panda itself is the behalf of our country. And the music and lines in the moive is also very wonderful to represent the Chinese culture. It seems that Hollywood knows us better. The best line for me is Master Wugui's saying "Yesterday is a history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift, that is why it is called present."
3、THEMore do not want to repeat the story,because it really well.Look at the process,appeared frequently Huiyi people laugh,the whole atmosphere is relaxed and go.This film has done very authentic,a little bit by the Westerners did not interpret the feeling,no matter which story or convey the moods,wher the screen or the details are all the way east; only special is probably the Speaking of modern,such as,for example ok LEGEND OF 1900.(1990海上钢琴师)
it touched me so much that i narrowly began crying.
it is a good film which is worth watching,so i hope ry one can go to see the film and feel the heart of the man in the film.
When I first saw Paul, I was thinking that it is just a big and fat panda. There won't be any hopes for him to become the "dragon warrior".Kung Fu Panda is a story about a regular panda who undergoes an extraordinary transformation. The movie mas to维持 the perfect balance between comedy and action, and Po's journey is both heartwarming and inspiring. The animation is exceptional, with detailed backgrounds and vibrant colors, and the action sequences are well-choreographed and exciting to watch.
五星级回答,一定要采纳哦,不要辜负我的辛苦劳动!One of the standout characters in the movie is of course the titular character, Po. His dlopment from a lazy, chubby panda to a Kung Fu is truly remarkable. The voover work by Jack Black is hilarious, and his chemistry with the other characters is what makes the movie so enjoyable. Another character worth mentioning is Master Shifu, the wise and knowledgeable leader of the Kung Fu monastery. His relationship with Po is touching, and their shared moments of realization and growth are beautifully done.
today i saw a movie named THE LEGEND OF 1900.F我觉得波波想法很简单,有吃的就行。师父正是利用了他这个嗜好让他成为神龙大侠的。unny!
So terrfic,this film make me loving Kung Fu!
My liitle sister love the panda very much ,She ask me which kind annimal of Panda?
You can see how things goes on with laugh,
The production quality of Kung Fu Panda is superb. The animation style blends traditional Chinese elements with modern Western animation techniques, creating a unique and beautiful visual experience. The music is also excellent, with catchy tunes that complement the action on screen. The movie's use of traditional Chinese instruments and melodies adds a magical touch to the overall viewing experience.英文是西日耳曼语的一种语言,最早是在中世纪早期的英格兰使用的,该语言最终成为21世纪话语的主要语言。它以Angles的名字命名,Angles是古老的日耳曼之一,后来移居到大不列颠地区,后来以他们的名字英格兰命名。这Thecharactersinthemoviearealsoveryfine.TurtleImmortal'scharacterislikeawiseperson.Hedoesn'tknowmuchaboutmanythings,buthisheartisverypeaceful.Hecan'tseeanything,buthecanfeelitistence.Master-hisheartisveryrestless.Allhecaresaboutisaleopard,andthisleopardhasabadheart,andhecan'tbecomeadescendantofadragonwarrior.ThisallowsustoseatMaster'sindulgenceandexpectationsforhimarenotgoodforhim.两个名字都源于波罗的海半岛的安格利亚(Anglia)。英语与弗里斯兰语和下撒克森语最相关,但其词汇已受到其他日耳曼语语言(尤其是北挪威语(北挪威语))以及拉丁语和法语的很大影响。
如果有什么地方需要修改,可以告诉我。"Kungfu Panda"is a good movie,it is not only interesting,but also edifying .I tkink we should learn soming from it,like bre,persistence,insistence and so on.So when you are in trouble,don't give up,you can think about Kungfu Panda,when he met Lord Shen,he was still facing it,and finally sed ryone.I really ade hIn this video, I'll be reviewing the immensely popular Chinese-inspired animated movie, Kung Fu Panda. Directed by John Stnson and starring the vocal talents of Jack Black, this movie ls the story of a clumsy panda named Po, who dreams of becoming a Kung Fu . Despite his ungainly appearance, Po succeeds in transforming himself into an accomplished warrior, overcoming many challenges and sing the day.im,a great panda.
功夫熊猫是部不错的电影,它不趣,还很有教育意义。我想我们应从中学到些什么,例如勇气,执着以及坚持不懈的精神等等。所以当你遇到困难时,不要放弃,你可以想想功夫熊猫,为了大家,它勇敢地与大恶人孔雀“Lord Shen”战斗,拯救了大家。我着实敬佩它的精神,一只伟大的熊猫!
虽然片中有一些情节不太合逻辑,但又何尝不可呢,本来就是一部纯粹的动画片.时而发呆,时而抱腹连连,何乐而不为?Kung fu panda, this is the interesting film. Paul wanted to become a wu3 lin2's ace (near ) kung-fu to se those who were in er, teacher taugIn this movie, Panda learns how to improve his ll of Kung fu,many scence show that this cartoon is so funny,ht him how to fight, and let him go to se the world, at last, he defeated 3 Tailung, he met not friends, I think he is a great , I like the movie, because...
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