
1、Shen1.《封神演义》作者的来问题,目前大约有三种说法:一为鲁迅等之许仲琳说(鲁迅,《史略》,:文学出版社,1981,页170);二为孙楷第、柳存仁等之陆西星说(孙楷第《通俗书目》:文学出版社,1982,页196-197;According to the "legend of the legend", "the legend of the legend", "the legend of the legend", "the legend of the legend", "the legend of the gods", "the legend of the gods", "the legend of the legend". In the ramble ", therefore thinks Liu Xixing is the author of "the soul ter", "yuan" is the "ignorance" by mistake. The west star of lu chang-geng was a person of xinghua county of yangzhou in the Ming dynasty. He was born in the late 16th century. In the manuscript of lu zhong yuan, he said that xixing "made jia a disaster" by "zhusheng", and he had certain rebellious spirit. Because "nine tries not to meet, sui renju is huang guan".Liu,(柳存仁),"BuddhistandInfluencesonChineseNovels,volumeoftheFengYanI(佛影响考)"The second is written by lu xixing,OttoWieaden,。
