白丁香:纯洁; 水仙花:清纯、自尊;
郁金香:幸福、博爱; 紫罗兰:青春永驻;
柏树:永葆青春; 含羞草:知廉耻;
银杏:古老文明; 紫荆:兄弟和睦;
红豆:相思; 玫瑰:爱情;
勿忘我:永恒的爱; 杨柳:依依不舍;
并蒂莲:夫妻恩爱; 百合:百年好合;
马蹄莲:永结同心; 文竹:永恒;
菊花、竹、兰花:高洁; 山茶:质朴;
蔷薇花:美德; 牡丹:华贵;真爱无花语。
向日葵:仰慕; 腊梅:坚贞不屈;
木棉花:英雄之花; 黄月季、棕榈:胜利;
葡萄:宽容、博爱; 桂花:友好、吉祥;
铁树:庄严; 金橘:招财进宝;
茉莉:和蔼可亲; 红枫:热忱;
万年青:友谊长存; 秋海棠:诚挚的友谊;
龟背竹:健康长寿; 大丽花:大吉大利;
一品红:共祝新生; 杉木:正直;
1朵花:你是我的惟一; 2朵花:你情我浓;
3朵花:我爱你; 6朵花:顺利;
11朵花:一心一意; 12朵花:心心相印;
13朵花:暗恋; 17朵花:好聚好散;
20朵花:此情24朵花:热恋; 33朵花:爱你三生三世;不渝; 21朵花:;
36朵花:我心属于你; 57朵花:吾爱吾妻;
66朵花:真心不变; 88朵花:用心弥补;
99朵花:长相厮守; 100朵花:百年好合;
111朵花:无尽的爱; 365朵花:天天想你;
999朵花:天长地久; 1001朵花:直到永远。
石榴:子孙满堂; 富贵竹:吉祥、富贵;My knees hurt her, and there are bruises, but my pants but no break and fall really technical. I used my own to achi my goals but I did not take aantage of you, there is no use of any other person. You can also use your own to do anything, but you do not he the right to hurt others, which is the principle of life you begged me ah, why do not ask me? You know that as long as you ask me what I will promise you I am you and you are free 5 I often se you many things not because I pity you, but I do not want to be innocent murderer In fact, as long as a phone call, you can get, howr, the problem is often n if you he of the courage, nor must dare to call that number. perhaps before rything is just a coincidence, between me and you and not the so-called fate and commitment. Coincidence ranging So fate. 8 ror, another I asked who I was, so I was Xiaxing. Forgive me always to do some strange dream, I dreamed that I and my friends are dead many years later, our souls toger, and then someone said the word: Today, I went to our cemetery, I ell our bodies he begun to rot. Then I Xiaxing. 10. Time people can cooling preferences for certain things, sometimes only need a minute. I do not want, because I he nothing. 12 Why do people love to ruin for some of their feelings of personal business? 13 each month, there are always a few days particularly fiery particularly unlucky, especially and particularly painful. 14 Do not buy perfume, buy a drawer perfume, but do not. 15 Do not come mess with me, I will not just angry for you, I just, generous, but for me, it is patience, while there is a limit to my patience. 16. These days a little appetite are not, but the sleep quality is surprisingly good, of course, this has always been my strengths. 17 Some people say: Oh my God, her life is just unsightly, stoop, oking, drinking, or n more, she will soon die! Ah, maybe. But I just want to say, this is her. This is her life. 18 a time, we he to treat yourself. 19 Why this world there will be mosquitoes this annoying animals, you absorptivity my blood I do not care, as long as not to be called on in my head told them. 20. Middle of the night was almost fainting at the top of the stairs!! Little girl, bad knowing that floor sensor lights, also head of the stairs play phone, I thought hell! 21. Dreamed last night swimming drowning, so has been struggling in the rapids, when I was rushed to the shallow water, but I see the shore lay another pale corpse ... 22 she is back, still leing? 23 you need this? Why must create an embarrassing scene?
101朵花:惟一的爱; 108朵花:求婚;谁知道英文名Acacia的意思?
(1)从内容上看,花的9朵花:坚定的爱; 10朵花:十全十美;约定俗成的寓意有:是指埃及的胶树Acacia nilotica;按akis是尖锐,指本扽植物在托叶或他处常有的棘针。本...arthron是节,关节的意思。
基本词义是:银叶相思树, 刺槐, 树胶, 黄绿色……
作为女性名字,是希腊语里 天真 的意思
1.Any of various often spiny trees or shrubs of the genus Acacia in the pea family, hing alternate, bipinnay compound lees or lees represented by flattened leafstalks and heads or spikes of all flowers.
金合欢属树:一种豆科金合欢属 通常多刺的树木或灌木,有复生的羽状复叶或由扁平的叶茎和小花的花头或花穗代替的叶子
2.Any of sral other leguminous plants, such as the rose acacia.
Acacia (豆科相思树属,发音为a-'ka-see-a)。希腊文akakia 是指埃及的胶树Acacia nilotica;按akis是尖锐,指本属植物在托叶或他处常有的棘针。本属约1200种,大多分布於澳洲。
哈哈 我查到的是树胶
我的名字! 多刺的 天真的
天真 来自希腊语
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