2、 百事可乐英文说法城市可以像可口可乐和百事可乐那样营销自己吗? 百事可乐的英文例句百事可乐是我最喜欢的饮料。
3、Pepsi is my forite drink.I had a pepsi at a refreshment booth round the corner.以下哪一种百事可乐的销售推广最影响你选购百事可乐汽水?What type of sales promotion strategy influences you to buy Pepsi Cola?百事可乐是一种可乐的商标名。
4、Pepsi_Cola is a trademarked cola.我去拿些可口可乐,我们可以就百事可乐争论一天!I'll get the Cokes and we can argue about Pepsi all day!每一家可口可乐都有跟随一家百事可乐ry McDonald has its Burger King.Pepsi-Cola owns "Pepsi generation, " but doesn't use the words as a slogan.我在转角处的餐饮摊喝了一杯百事可乐I he a pepsI at a refreshment booth around the corner“这为全世界像可口可乐和百事可乐这样的公司提供了巨大的商机。
5、"That opens up huge opportunities for the Cokes and Pepsis of the world.Can Cities Market Themselves Like Coke and Pepsi Do?百事可乐在大萧条中大赚了一笔。
6、Pepsi-Cola had made hay during the depression.2007年,她成为百事可乐44年历史上第五位执行长。
7、In2007 she became the fifth CEO in PepsiCo's44-year history.我喜欢百事可乐,就是它了。
8、I like Diet Pepsi that would be it!一个要百事可乐,另一个要雪碧。
9、One Pepsi and the other a Sprite, please.你不知道百事可乐是美国货吗蠢蛋?Don't you know pepsi's american, idiot?您在以下那一种媒体您最常看见百事可乐的广告?。
10、Where do you usually see the Pepsi Cola aertisement?您认为百事可乐的网站内容怎样?。
11、What do you think about Pepsi Cola's website?您认为百事可乐的广告吸引你吗?。
12、Do you think Pepsi Cola's aertisement attract you?公司的主要业务包括菲多利食品,百事可乐饮料,佳得乐运动饮料,纯品康纳果汁和桂格食品。
13、Its principal businesses include Frito-Lay snacks, Pepsi-Cola brages, Gatorade sports drinks, Tropicana jus and Quaker foods.消费者的 也使百事可乐在绝迹,因为百事可乐公司与该国不公正的政权有联络。
14、Consumer protests he forced Pepsi-Cola out of Burma due to pepsi's link with the country's unjust regime.百事可乐与可口可乐的恩恩怨怨纷繁复杂,绵延百年之久,本文分十大模组对百事可乐与可口可乐进行全面对比。
15、The rivalry between -Cola and Pepsi is legendary.The brands he been fighting each other for more than a century.关于百事可乐英语阅读:百事公司涉足智慧手机市场PepsiCo Inc is pulling the tab of the Chinese artphone market. But what awaits the Pepsi phone is set to be soming bitter than its iconic soda water.百事公司PepsiCo Inc将涉足智慧手机市场。
17、The United States brage and food giant said on Tuesday it is working with a lnsing partner to bring a line of mobile phones and accessories to China in the next few months.美国饮料及食品业巨头百事10月12日透露,正与一家授权企业合作,在未来几个月内向市场推出一系列手机及附属产品。
18、The maker of potato chips, soft drinks and breakfast cereals quickly made it clear it "has no plans to get into the mobile phone manufacturing business" yet.这家生产薯片、软饮料、早餐麦片的企业随即澄清“并不打算涉足手机制造业”。
19、"But we are mitted to engaging with Chinese consumers at this point of connectivity, and in innovative ways, to grow our brand," it said.“不过,我们努力与消费者加强交流,以创新方式拓展品牌。
21、The first r artphone bearing the red-white-blue Pepsi logo, likely to be named Pepsi P1, will be a low-end pamphlet, according to model specifications released by tech website mobipicker.据印度科技网站曝光的工程机规格资料,百事推出的首部手机或命名为P1,将主打低端市场。
23、Pepsi P1's 5.5-inch screen, 13-megapixel rear camera and 16 GB internal storage place the dev in the sizzling 1,000 yuan $150 market where dreds of models are battling one another.P1搭载5.5英寸萤幕,1300万画素的后置摄像头,并配备16G记忆体,将与其他千元机机争夺市场。
24、It is also unclear how the tech-svy Chinese buyers might respond to Pepsi's latest move in the country.然而,的科技粉消费者对百事此举会有什么反应,目前尚不可知。
25、"I feel a little confused about it, I may not buy the phone unless it has some unique features to show," said Chen Yang, a college student in Beijing who prefers carbonated soft drinks made by Pepsi than The -Cola Co.的一名大学生陈阳音说道:“我一下子也说不上来。
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