
Snow White is a young princess raised by her vain and wicked stepmother the Queen. The jealous Queen feared that young Snow White’s beauty would someday surpass her own, so she ask her magic ror ry morning: “Magic ror on the wall, who is the fairest one of all?” And the ror’s response was always: “You are the fairest one of all.” Howr, one morning, The Queen is furious when the ror told her that Snow White is the fairest woman in the land. Her worst nightmare has come true, and she summons the Huntan to take Snow White deep into the forest and kill the young Princess. The Huntan agrees but when he escorts Snow White into the forest, he begs her forgiveness and explains the Queen’s plan, ling her she must run and hide, nr to return. So, Snow White runs deep into the forest. Finally, she finds a quaint little cottage in a glen. She enters the little cottage seeing the tiny tables and chairs. Feeling exhausted, Snow White lies across three of the beds and falls asleep. No much latter, Sn Dwarfs arrive back at the cottage and see the Snow white. After Snow White explains her predicament, they unanimously decide to let her stay. Meanwhile, back at the castle, the evil Queen knows that Snow White still alive from the magic ror. This time, she disguises herself as an old hag, comes to the cottage with a poisoned apple. Fooled by the Queen’s disguise and seeing only an old peddler, Snow White takes a bite and falls to the floor in the Sleeping Death that only the kiss of love can break. When the Sn Dwarfs back to the cottage, it’s too late. They chase the old hag through the woods. The hag is cornered on a rocky crag, and she falls to her death as a lightning bolt shatters her footing. Victorious but saddened by the apparent death of Snow White, the Dwarfs build a glass and gold coffin for her, keeping eternal vigil at her side. Then, a Prince comes by seeing the beautiful Snow white and falls in love with her. He gently kisses her lips farewell, and Snow White awakens to the cheers of the Dwarfs. She says goodbye to the Dwarfs, kissing each of them before riding off with her Prince, disappearing into the sunset to live happily r after.04

白雪公主的故事新解。白雪公主原来是格林兄弟创作的。初版好 白雪公主被人陷害 最终经过自己的努力获得成功是说她喜欢父亲而被生母赶走的,你可以看看这个新版的











白雪公主,她长得非常美丽,肤如凝脂,发如乌檀,唇如樱桃。她的爸爸妈妈非常疼爱她,不幸的是,他妈妈因病,爸爸又娶了一位后母。后母皇后很漂亮,但很恶毒。她视白雪公主为眼中钉,三番五次要加害于她。次用丝带勒住她的脖子这个故事告诉我:人,不能过于追求外貌美,更重要的是心灵美。不能妒忌别人,更不能由妒生恨,从而产生伤害别人的念头。要用平和的心态对待别人,重视可贵的友情。我相信,一个人只要拥有一颗真诚善良的心,就一定会有好报。,最终被七个小矮人救活;第二次用有毒nbsp; 小时候最喜欢缠着爸爸妈妈给我讲童话故事了,其中最喜欢的就是公主故事,今天小编就带大家重温一下白雪公主的故事吧!等以后就可以讲给自己的孩子听了。的梳子梳白雪公主的头发,但没有成功;第三次让白雪公主吞下一个有毒的苹果,白雪公主吞下后,最终被小矮人与王子救活,她还与王子举行了婚礼。恶毒的皇后也得到了应有的惩罚。