1、跟一楼一样我今年的puSpecific Pure Statement:To rm the audience about global warming Centrual Idea: To rm to my audience that the earth is enduring a hot period. If we do not take an efficiency action to prnt global warming, we may not he a good chance to live until the day after tomorrow.blic speech的主题也是 这事我的版本仅供参考:Name and ID number: Leo1, 20075087Topic: Global WarmingTitle: The earth is sweating!General Pur大家都知道,由于人类向自然界过度的索取,已经导致了大自然无情的报复:飓风、暴雨、暴风雪、洪涝、干旱、虫害、酷暑、森林大火、等不期而至,全世界因干旱等原因而造成的迁移性难民预计到2025年达到1亿人。
2、e: To rmIntroduction:“Hello ryone, today I will give you a hey-topic speech, please look at the pictures on the Powerpoint, do you know what topic do I want to l you? Yes, it’s global warming. I he selected this topic because we are living in a world which is becoming more and more unfourable for us to live, just because we are destroying our homes. But most of us do not he an idea of what we should do to prnt global warming. So today I will l you what global warming is,and then why we should do that, and finally I will give you some suggestions to prnt global warming.”Transition:Ok, my dear ctes, look at these pictures. He you wondered how the global warming come into being? Now let me l you what global warming is…Planned Main PointsⅠWhat is global warming?Definition of global warming.According to Oxford English Dictionary, Global warming is the observed and projected increases in the erage temperature of Earth's atmosphere and oceans.Factors of global warming.The immense use of mineral fuel, too many greenhouse gases are released from Industrial Revolution.The unmoderated excessive cutting trees.The rapid growth of population, and that’s the key of Global Warming.Ⅱ The effects of global warming?Glaciers will be melting, and the sea ll rise, so some islands in lowland will be submerged.30%--70% species will be extincted.It will ener our health.Some extreme climates will be caused frequently, such as drought, coldwe.Ⅲ What should we do to oid global warming?Plant tree or flower in your school they absorb carbon dioxide.B. Motor vehicles use a lot of energy — so walk or ride a bike if you can.C. Recycle , cardboard and newss.D. Buy products made from recycled materials.E. Tell your friends about global warming.F. Buy energy- sing products like low energy light bulbs.TransitionThere is a long way for our human beings to prnt global warming, but our actions are putting into pract. According to the Climate Congress in Copenhagen, which was just held sral weeks ago, many meaningful agreement were achid. Neither the rich country nor the poor country are working toger to prnt it.ConclusionIn conclusion, to stop global warming we should make immediate and continual efforts. We hope the situation will soon change. Global warming catches and holds our concern, for it affects us and will affect our later generations. We cannot wait any longer. Do it. Do it right. Do it right now.惨痛的生态教训,已经引起世界各国和全人类的重视,奥委会评估团视察申奥城市,就把生态环境改善列为其中重要的内容。
13、 让我们的校园更加美丽吧!。
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